Sunday, April 13, 2008


Douglas County had their 2008 Spring Showcase Event at the Fairgrounds this last Saturday. We are always looking for something fun and free to do as a family, so this sounded good. We found out that this year they were having a special event called "Touch-a-Truck" lots of volunteers brought their vehicles out for the kids to climb in and touch. Sophie had so much fun, I just know she is going to do something that has to do with driving when she grows up!

Easter Dress

Here is my ham showing off for the camera in her pretty Easter dress!

She wouldn't put her puppy down for the pictures!

Easter Basket

This is the Saturday before Easter Sunday. It was always tradition in my house growing up that the Easter Bunny came this day. Daddy would take us all out for a drive while Mom stayed home to "help" the Bunny hide our baskets. We are happily carrying on this tradition!