Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mile High Farms

We went to Mile High Farm for our pumpkin patch trip this year. There was a lot to do and we all had fun!

"Is this happy enough for you, Mom?!"

In the corn maze. It had stations throughout that had the kids color their fingers with chalk and when you finished you compared your colors with a sign. Sophie's told her to play a trombone and Mitchell snapped like an alligator. It was really fun!

 Top of the Castle Maze
 Bouncy House!

 Beautiful Horse
 Tired boy. . .


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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Catch up. . .

                                          First Day of Kindergarten!!

                          Sad boy, can't go to kindergarten with Sissy. :(
                                           Soccer! (Fall 2011)
 Meeting Santa (2010)
 Happy Birthday, Sophie!

 Fun at KidsFest
I've really been a slacker, I know.  Sorry.  Here is a snap shot of the past year, sorry they are out of order, I was trying to do this while dealing with the kiddos.  I promise to be better at updating!