Friday, October 26, 2007


Sophie and I have entered the world of playgroups. We have been to three different ones this week. I can't believe how grown-up my baby is getting! She had a blast at all three groups. She was the only one who wasn't walking and it didn't slow her down one bit. She played alone and with the other kids, only getting upset when everyone started to clean up. She threw fabulous tantrums every time. I'm glad she likes it. I know how important it is for her to interact with other kids now. Maybe they will rub off one her and she'll start walking! (Yeah, right)

She is such a monkey these days. She isn't napping at all and that means I don't get a nap either! She is just so afraid she is going to miss something fun. She sits in her crib and cries for me. I let her for a while, but when she starts screaming I have to go get her. I hope this is a short phase, I miss my breaks!

Children, can't live with them, can't sell them on ebay.


Gerritt and Melissa said...

We went to a playgroup on Friday too, but I had to hold Abby the whole time. It was mostly so I could interact with other adults! (ha ha) Miss you! Can't wait to see more pics!

Desi said...

I love your saying at the bottom of the post (about selling kids on ebay!). I've been telling it to people these last few days and everyone gets a nice laugh out of it! Way to go, you're famous here yet again!