Tuesday, June 23, 2009

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

If you look right between the legs, you can see that this is most definitely a BOY!!!!!

Someone at the doctor's office made a mistake and some blood work I had done came back scary, so they scheduled an ultrasound for today. Thankfully, everything looks right on target and once they discovered the mistake and redid the labs, everything is fine with the blood work. It's really exciting knowing at 15 weeks, instead of having to wait till 20!


Desi said...

We're SOOOO excited! I'm releaved that the doctors got everything worked out again. What a thing to mess up with!!!!! Congrats on finding out you're having a boy!

Michelle said...

YAY! A boy! What names do you have picked out?

Megan Leach said...

That's so exciting!! Congrats!! I'm not going to lie though, I have NOOO idea what I'm looking for in the picture... I don't even know where the legs are, so I'll just take your word for it!